Mein Anfang auf Mallorca

My start on Mallorca

My start on Mallorca was very exciting and now you can find out what the Robinson Club has to do with it.

Actually, I only wanted to stay in Mallorca for a year and then emigrate to the USA. Well, sometimes the universe has other plans. My journey on Mallorca began in the Robinson Club, where I worked in the spa area as a spa receptionist and partly as a beautician, but it's not just about these tasks.

There was a cooking partnership with the restaurant and we had to cook for the guests in the restaurant. Furthermore, we had an evening program such as shows and we were there and when the cooking service or the show was over, we went to the bar with the guests until midnight. It's a very varied job, but I quickly realized that it's more for someone who doesn't yet know what they want to do after school or training and that it's great to gain experience abroad.

Because of my previous life on the cruise lines, this just wasn't the right place for me. But something inside me said that I should stay here on the island, so I decided to go job hunting and pretty quickly found a job as After Sales & Sales Assistant in a very well known yacht company.

A new chapter began. Leaving Robinson Club Cala Serena in the south-east of Mallorca, moving to the south-west on my own, working for a British company and moving into my own apartment for the first time in my life.

So much can already be revealed, I cried red and water and if someone had given me a plane ticket to Germany, I would have accepted it at that point in time. Oh man, was that awful!

Why? I'll tell you about that in the next blog. It remains exciting..


Marina x ontheotherseaside

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